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Sindis and Sarah - Brace no. II

Sindis su Sarah were chosen as a brace number II in "Vilnius 2015-09-13". (Thanks to Inesa for the picture and to Laimute for the movie)

2015 09 13

CAC in Šiauliai

Sindis won his fifth LT CAC in "Šiaulių taurė 2015" and become Champion of Lithuania.

2015 04 18

Sarah is a Junior Winner

In "Aukštaitijos žiema 2015" in Panevėžys Sarah was selected as a junior winner by LKD president Ramunė Kazlauskaitė.

2015 02 21

Fourth BOB from Panevėžys Again

Sindis was the best again in "Panevėžio ruduo 2014" and got titles of BOB, LT CAC ir N.

2014 10 18

World Dog Show Helsinki 2014

We do know whose production lead "links" the both beautifull red ladies and are very proud of this! Well done ladies!

More info at http://www.havanese.lt/naujienos/327-world_dog_show_helsinki_8-10082014

Two BOB in Panevėžys

In two shows in Panevėžys February 2014 Sindis took all: 2 x BOB, 2 x LT CAC and 2 x N. 

2014 02 22-23

Sindis First BOB

In "Kikos taurė 2014" Kaunas Sindis was the best of the breed BOB and got titles of LT CAC and N also.

2014 01 26

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